Breast reduction
Great breasts are more inclined to lose their beautiful form sooner. The dividing line of the too great breasts shall be determined considerably by the individual opinion.

The problem
The exaggerated growth of the mammary glands of a female breast, the asymmetry due to unequal development of the bilateral glands and the sagging of the breasts caused by their weight can result in a ‘large breasts’ symptom causing physical complaints (e.g. a pain in the back) and psychic disturbances.
The intervention
There are a number of breast reduction methods. When choosing the most suitable method, we have to take it into consideration if the patient has several children and does not want to have any more or she does not have any children and requires a breast reduction. The build of the patient and the size of the breasts also influence our decision. Most often we use the so-called reverse T-shape breast surgery. After the operation a pressing bandage holding the breasts has to be worn for a period specified by the surgeon. In case of a smaller reduction the operation can be carried out under local anaesthetic, however, most often we do it in narcosis.
- Anaesthetization:general or local anaesthetization
- Duration of operation: 90-120 minutes
- Hospital stay: 24 hours
- Stich removal: 3 weeks after surgery
- Control:2nd day, 7th day, 14th day, 21th day, 6th week, 3rd month, 6th month, 1 year